I've been contemplating for the past couple of days how to make this announcement. There's a part of me that feels very proud of my accomplishment(s), but a much greater part that is exceedingly humbled by what I know to be nothing other than an amazing blessing. So, I've wanted to proceed cautiously to not have any shred of what could be mistaken as arrogance or pride.
When I was 15 years old, I started applying to Disney and Pixar Animation studios every single time there was an opening I was semi qualified for. Or rather, not qualified for, but wishing that I was. Over the course of high school and college, I would spend my evenings in Grand Rapids, MI writing cover letters and researching the far far away industry, the studios, the well-known people who work in the studios and the not well known people. Feature animation became my passion, and I want to make that very clear...BECAME. I wasn't born with an immediate love of animation, in fact, unlike many of my talented peers and colleagues, I don't think I was instilled with any great love, or gifting for ONE thing ever. But, I recognized the importance of working towards something, something so very far off, something nearly impossible...I recognized the importance of going after those "impossible dreams" that it quickly became a passion. And, I, the girl who has often felt like a misfit in every sense of the word...I desperately needed that. I needed a passion that was unique to me.
When I was 19 years old, this passion combined with the persistent urging deep in me to "try" is what boarded me on that little jet plane bound for the City Of Angels. It's been a hell of a journey out here, guys. Friends made, friends lost, being laid off twice, finding my niche in "Recruiting", working for a high-tech internet-based company, and most of all, learning more about myself, more about God, and growing up a ton and a half. It's through these experiences that I've learned to redefine what I believe "success" to be. Success isn't in the destination, it truly is in the journey. I never lost sight of working in Animation, working for Pixar or Disney...but I realized the importance of opening up my eyes and heart enough to understand that the path to the destination is not always a straight shot -- it's filled with twists and curves and wonderful people and moments along the way. I'm very grateful, and superbly blessed (despite all the hard times) to have experienced all that I have.
So guys...the next Disney Feature Animated movie you watch, please look for my name in the credits "Christi Helen." I'm excited to announce I will be transitioning into a very niche Technical and Artistic Recruiting position with the amazing Feature Animation team. I hope when/if you see my name, it's a reminder of Gods provision, of bravery and of faithful persistence. "Adventure is out there!" I encourage you to find yours, to recognize the journey along the way, but most of all...to never give up trying.
Here's to the next adventure!
"She believed in dreams all right, but she also believed in doing something about them..." - Walt Disney

When I was 15 years old, I started applying to Disney and Pixar Animation studios every single time there was an opening I was semi qualified for. Or rather, not qualified for, but wishing that I was. Over the course of high school and college, I would spend my evenings in Grand Rapids, MI writing cover letters and researching the far far away industry, the studios, the well-known people who work in the studios and the not well known people. Feature animation became my passion, and I want to make that very clear...BECAME. I wasn't born with an immediate love of animation, in fact, unlike many of my talented peers and colleagues, I don't think I was instilled with any great love, or gifting for ONE thing ever. But, I recognized the importance of working towards something, something so very far off, something nearly impossible...I recognized the importance of going after those "impossible dreams" that it quickly became a passion. And, I, the girl who has often felt like a misfit in every sense of the word...I desperately needed that. I needed a passion that was unique to me.
When I was 19 years old, this passion combined with the persistent urging deep in me to "try" is what boarded me on that little jet plane bound for the City Of Angels. It's been a hell of a journey out here, guys. Friends made, friends lost, being laid off twice, finding my niche in "Recruiting", working for a high-tech internet-based company, and most of all, learning more about myself, more about God, and growing up a ton and a half. It's through these experiences that I've learned to redefine what I believe "success" to be. Success isn't in the destination, it truly is in the journey. I never lost sight of working in Animation, working for Pixar or Disney...but I realized the importance of opening up my eyes and heart enough to understand that the path to the destination is not always a straight shot -- it's filled with twists and curves and wonderful people and moments along the way. I'm very grateful, and superbly blessed (despite all the hard times) to have experienced all that I have.
So guys...the next Disney Feature Animated movie you watch, please look for my name in the credits "Christi Helen." I'm excited to announce I will be transitioning into a very niche Technical and Artistic Recruiting position with the amazing Feature Animation team. I hope when/if you see my name, it's a reminder of Gods provision, of bravery and of faithful persistence. "Adventure is out there!" I encourage you to find yours, to recognize the journey along the way, but most of all...to never give up trying.
Here's to the next adventure!
"She believed in dreams all right, but she also believed in doing something about them..." - Walt Disney