I'm going to make this post short. I'm beyond tired, and am practically typing blind, because I'm not wearing my glasses. Side note, Yes. For all those who don't know, when I'm without my spectacles, I really can't see anything at all, including your face. I really hate wearing glasses, and I really need a new pair because mine give me terrible headaches, so seldom will you see me with them on except when I drive. Or when I really want to see your face. But, I can't think of a reason that would make me want to look at your face that sharply. I've gotten used to the softer look of most things.
Tonight, I went to Hope Chapel and although the message was awesome as usual, I am not feeling up to typing out a summary, because I'm a sleepy-head. But, instead, I would like to share a funny that happened during the service: The pastor used the term "Epoch" during his message tonight, and although I internally applauded the use of the rather rare word, I couldn't help but giggle a bit, because instead of "Epoch" I imagined he said "Ewok" and instantly my mind was transported to StarWars. Totally made my evening.
The End. Story time over.
Sweet dreams you crazies. You make my world sunshiny.

Tonight, I went to Hope Chapel and although the message was awesome as usual, I am not feeling up to typing out a summary, because I'm a sleepy-head. But, instead, I would like to share a funny that happened during the service: The pastor used the term "Epoch" during his message tonight, and although I internally applauded the use of the rather rare word, I couldn't help but giggle a bit, because instead of "Epoch" I imagined he said "Ewok" and instantly my mind was transported to StarWars. Totally made my evening.
The End. Story time over.
Sweet dreams you crazies. You make my world sunshiny.
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