Now, I do not remember writing this note, nor do I remember the circumstances that inspired me to write what I did. But, I was very surprised to realize that the description words that I chose when I was a fifteen are exactly the same words I would choose today.
Throughout the generations, a persons' name has been very important. Biblically speaking, names/name meanings were so important to Jesus that he ultimately ended up changing several of his followers and disciples names. (Saul to Paul, Simon to Peter...etc) Likewise, several times Jesus was known for asking "Who are you?" or "What is your name?" Names have significant meaning. When someone says "Do you know Betsy Joe?" If they do...they instantly associate that name with their current presuppositions or feelings in relation to Betsy Joe. If Betsy Joe is a bit of a pill, they'll say "Sure I know Betsy Joe...I don't like her very much." Likewise, if we knew an gent named Joe (who was a horrible brute of a guy) we'd probably never name a child "Joe." Not because the name is inherently bad, but because we've attached a "MEANING" to that name beyond what the original meaning entailed...we've attached a Name Creed.
Currently speaking, many people name their children not so much with the "meaning" in mind (as they did in Biblical times), but more so with the "cute factor" in mind.
Now, where am I going with this thought ramble? Well, I know for my parents...they named me (and my sisters) with a strong conviction that the meaning of our name should be of utmost importance. I don't think they took this task lightly...and I'm proud to say I really admire the full meaning of my name:
Christine = Christ Follower
Helen = Light
Praniewicz = Son of a Laundered one (I don't quite get this...but I suppose they didn't have much choice when it came to the last name. hah!)
Anyways, although I like the original meaning of my name, I am deciphering from the Facebook note I wrote when I was 15...that I also developed a personal Name Creed. This supposed "Name Creed" was something I decided I would live my life by. As previously stated, it would be the thing that I would want people to think when they said my name. For instance, if a friend was to ask someone else, "Do you know Christi?" I would want these things to be the first things they would think of in association with my name...
C - Christian
H - Humble
R - Respect
I - Intelligent
S - Sweet
T - Trustable
I - Influential
First and foremost, I am a Christian. I had a lovely day working on a Reese Witherspoon feature film set yesterday. There was a 30 something man (I believe he was a grip) that came up to me and said "I noticed you prayed over your food at lunch...why?" My answer: (slightly shocked that he noticed) "Because...I'm a Christian and I was just thanking God for the opportunity to eat at a table and to work on a film with you...and all of these creative people." His answer: "Hey...that's really cool." I am a Christian. I live my life in a way that represents Christ WHEREVER I am. Even if it might be embarrassing, even if people might think I'm strange, even if it's not the norm, even if it means I don't get asked to work on another feature film...I AM A CHRISTIAN.
Secondly, I want people when they hear my name to say. "Wow, that girl...she's awesome, she's so humble." I want to be proud of my hard work, but I want to be even more proud of your hard work. I want to strive to put myself last and to put you first. Even if God blesses me in crazy ways and I have bigger responsibilities and more authority in the years to come...I want to notice the person who's emptying the trash can. I want to notice the people who're doing the little things...because I once was there. I know how it feels.
"R" - Respect. I want to treat you with respect. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, I know how it feels to be treated with disrespect, to be at the "bottom of the food chain." Everyone is a person, everyone deserves love, respect and a CHANCE. I want to always strive to promote that. Moreover, I also want to respect myself and be respected. I believe when you treat yourself with respect, other people will respect you as well. I short, want to be a respectable person.
Intelligent, I'm always going to be a lifelong learner. I'm always going to try to perfect, hone and push myself in my craft and talents. I want to be known for my intelligence and my willingness to learn.
Sweet, no matter where I go in life, I always want to be the "girl next door." The person who will bake you muffins and come into a room with a smile on her face to try and cheer you up. I want to have a sweet spirit all the days of my life.
Trustable. I want you to know that no matter the situation, you can trust me. Period. End of Story.
Lastly, "Influential." I don't believe I was just put on the earth to eat, drink, poop and sleep. I deeply believe as a Christian (going back to the first letter in my Name Creed) it's a duty (an enjoyable duty) to be an influential person. I want to be a positive impact on encourage, to uplift, to help to INFLUENCE them towards greatness. my Name Creed. I'm glad I found that old Facebook post and I'm glad my answers then, were the same answers today. I guess that kinda means even if I mess up or aren't always living up to this self implied Name Creed, that I have always and will always strive towards it.
What's your Name Creed? What do you want people to associate with your name?
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