I've been debating implementing this change for awhile, however, I've finally made up my mind to do it tonight! Starting tonight none of my blog updates will be viewable through my personal facebook page. Instead, to see any of my cpthatsme content, you're going to have to head on over to my new facebook page: Cpthatsme on Facebook.
Why am I doing this? For a couple of reasons:
1.) Personally, as I expand a little bit across the web/youtube etc. I've been hesitant to add the many unknown "friends" onto my personal facebook who I'm starting to get requests from. I would love to connect with everyone, but having a separate Cpthatsme "Facebook Page" allows for a little more privacy.
2.) I don't want to bombard my friends Newsfeeds constantly with Cpthatsme content if they're not interested. This allows you to decided if you would like to continue following me!
3.) Branding. I'm attempting to "brand" and market the idea of "Cpthatsme" - Long story short, this creates for more continuity across the web.
So, with this in mind- head on over to my new page: Cpthatsme on Facebook and click "Like!" It's looking a little rough over there right now, but I promise within the next couple of days/weeks, it will be filled up with lots of fun content and links!
That's all I got-
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