Saturday, February 26, 2011

My squinty eye will make me poor?

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I wanted to test the theory "symmetry = beauty" after reading an article that supported this idea. They argued that the more symmetrical you are, the more beautiful you are, so therefore the more money you would make in your career. WHAT!? 

So, watch the video and check out the pictures below.

The original- taken right before making the video. 

Symmetrical based on the left side of my face: 
(Which apparently is a lot thinner than the right side of my face...)

Symmetrical based on the Right side of my face: 
(I think this one looks alien-ish! And my hair is doing crazy things...heheh...)

Leave some thoughts! What do you think about this theory? Test the symmetry of your face, it's a lot of fun:) 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another Change! (*sigh*)

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Hello faithful followers,

I've been debating implementing this change for awhile, however, I've finally made up my mind to do it tonight! Starting tonight none of my blog updates will be viewable through my personal facebook page. Instead, to see any of my cpthatsme content, you're going to have to head on over to my new facebook page: Cpthatsme on Facebook.

Why am I doing this? For a couple of reasons:
1.) Personally, as I expand a little bit across the web/youtube etc. I've been hesitant to add the many unknown "friends" onto my personal facebook who I'm starting to get requests from. I would love to connect with everyone, but having a separate Cpthatsme "Facebook Page" allows for a little more privacy.
2.) I don't want to bombard my friends Newsfeeds constantly with Cpthatsme content if they're not interested. This allows you to decided if you would like to continue following me!
3.) Branding. I'm attempting to "brand" and market the idea of "Cpthatsme" - Long story short, this creates for more continuity across the web.    

So, with this in mind- head on over to my new page: Cpthatsme on Facebook and click "Like!" It's looking a little rough over there right now, but I promise within the next couple of days/weeks, it will be filled up with lots of fun content and links!

That's all I got-

Wacky Shoe Wednesday! - Ireland Shoes?

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This morning, I've been daydreaming about taking a trip to Ireland. Most people know I absolutely love Ireland (or at least I imagine I do) and would love to take a trip sometime in my lifespan. Or maybe, I've been daydreaming about the luscious Emerald Isle simply because it's so cold, white and harsh right now in Michigan. I definitely need sunshine, GREEEEN grass and flowers to function my best.

I did a search for "foliage shoes"- somewhat as a brought up these. (*insert jaw-drop-confused-awesome expression-look here*) I feel as though if I cannot go to Ireland, I should at least buy and wear these shoes around.

Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Houston, my blog has a problem.

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You're going to have to excuse my blog for the next week or so- it's feeling a tad under the weather. For those of you who are religious followers you've noticed how often the content/layout has been changing- I know, how annoying. I am sorry.

Please continue to stop by, I'm tweaking things as quickly as possible- and I hope to launch my final completely re-vamped blog very soon! I'm a newbie when it comes to writing code...(minus all that practice I got in Jr. high fixing myspace layouts) so it might take me a couple of weeks. However, it will be SO much better than the ADD sensory blowing layout I had before. Ahhh...clean lines.

You'll notice a fun feature I added already, the option to subscribe through E-mail! (There you go Grandpa). Thanks for bearing with my construction!


Monday, February 21, 2011

My dad thinks I'm a chameleon.

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Hey. So. Leave some love...I mean, comments. Heh. :)

Media MONDAY- You can kiss my foliage.

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I thought this was quite humorous.
Also, I miss my mom.
That's all I got.

Lots of love!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

An original CP ditty.

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I have been sick and sadly a little uninspired as far as vlogging goes- so instead of a funny vlog, tonight I share with you a song I wrote. It was written for a friend of mine who is about to celebrate her first wedding anniversary! However I suppose it could be applied to all married people and such. :) Don't mind the rough parts- as I mentioned I'm just getting over a cold and was too lazy to re-record it again. hehe.

Be ready for a hilarious CP and Kemp vlog about The Green Lantern.

Lots of Love tonight!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Media Monday! Happy Valentines Day?!

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So- just because I can, here are a few Valentines Day funnies. Hope your day is filled with hugs, kisses, lots' uh lovin' and various other schmoozy stuff. <3

It wouldn't quite be Valentines Day without some cute puppies and such:

My personal favorite:

Lots of love! Toodles!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekend Rant - "Valentines Day- Men please read."

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You're an absolute insipid stupid-noggin' if you actually believe her when she says she doesn't want anything for Valentine’s Day. We're manipulative little monsters who don't speak our minds because we secretly wish you would just figure it out on your own. (I know, I’m sorry- I hereby apologize on behalf of all of us.) BUT- for goodness sakes fellas', if you're blessed enough to have a beautiful girl to share your days with- get the girl a dang flower. Rant. Done.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

An open letter to my future husband-

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So, I was rummaging through some old documents today and came across a letter I wrote to my future husband (I believe I wrote this my senior year in Highschool). I debated for a couple of days, whether or not to post this because it is a bit personal...but figured it might be a bit of an encouragement to friends and such around this Valentines Day season. Anyways, enjoy!   

Dear you,

Despite the fact that your face is still unknown I want you to know that I love and respect you deeply. I always have and I always will.

I will be your biggest cheerleader with every single dream you have. When times are good, I will take sheer pride and absolute joy in your success and triumphs. However, when times are bad, I’ll still be right by your side. You better believe I’m always going to be your number one fan – small failures won’t change that. If you need a helper, I’m on it in 3.2 seconds, Cap’n! If you need comforting, I’ll lovingly wrap my arms around you and trace your cheeks with kisses. If you need me to shut up, sit down and stop tracing your cheeks with kisses…I suppose I can do that too. But, you better ask nicely Mr.

I’ll be your best friend, your companion, your partner in crime. I’ll be the girl you can take home to your momma, the girl who can hold her own with you and the guys, but the girl who will be alllll yours when you’re feeling a tad selfish. I’m the kinda girl who likes to wear sweat-pants, snuggle up next to you on the couch and have a conversation about Legos. However, I’m also the kind of girl who likes to slip into a sexy little dress, sprits on a little vanilla smelling perfume and be taken out dancing. Oh gosh, I hope you like dancing.

As for you, I think about you a lot. I find myself thinking about how you might be chosing to live your life. How do you spend your free afternoons? Do people respect you? Are you a man of your word? Even though we may not yet know one another, it matters to me how you're living your life now. Because, how your living your life currently, determines the kind of man you’re turning into and the kind of man I'll be married to for the rest of my life.

I don’t want to spend too much time elaborating, but just know that I hold you in such a high regard. I’m saving a lot of things for you- not simply because it’s my religion, not because I’m a goodie-two-shoes, not because I haven’t had a plethora of opportunities…but because I deeply respect you and my future family. I can only imagine you’d want the absolute best from me and I want to be able to give the best to you…now respect me enough to do the same. Be the man worthy to hold my heart- I’m absolutely worth it, I promise you.

I can forgive whatever mistakes you have made in the past- I've made plenty myself. I’m not worried about what happened or what you’ve done- but, what I am interested in is your future, starting right now. Be my leader, guard my heart, protect me...I believe in you and I simply cannot wait to meet you.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to walk the runway- CP style.

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EDIT- I realize that I have violated copyright issues and the video won't be playable on Youtube (unless you're not from the US- ha) go watch it on my facebook...I'll re-edit it to a different song later and re-upload it. :)

So, I have a runway show coming up, so Shells and I figured we would practice a little bit. These are the various ways you can strut your stuff. By far I think Shelli beat me with style points. :) Enjoy! Hope you laugh as much as we did making this video!


Lots of Loves, 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekend Rant - "Did your shoes just graduate?"

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This weekend rant is coming late- but nevertheless, here it is...

This morning, at the gas-station, a splendid-peach of an old man (did you catch my whiff of sarcasm?) felt the need to tell me 600 times that the shoes I was wearing were inappropriate for the current weather conditions. Fine. Whatever. I get that…but *sniff* *sniff* these shoes are CUTE!

Being the groggy/tired/sick/grumpy girl that I am this morning, I fought back the urge to reply “Well, why are YOU wearing tassels on your loafers? Did they just graduate!?” 

Men, unless you’re over the age of 102 and/or a wanna-be professional golfer and/or have cat-like tendencies and need a toy to play with at the office…don’t wear tasseled shoes. However, I suppose before ya’ll get your panties in a bunch, I can make an exception; discreet baby tassels don’t bug me, it’s the gigator, next-step-jingle-bells tassels that cause me concern.


Truly, when it comes down to it, the only people that should be wearing tassles on footwear are the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Dreams"- A short story...completed.

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I raised my clenched fist to the weathered door. My heart was pounding at such a high decibel that it droned out the few reverberating thoughts I had skipping about my skull. I was scared, nervous… but anxiously anticipating what I would find. Slowly I began to tap on the large door. *rattatattat* My knuckles grazed the sunken-grain and small splinters of wood chipped off and fell round’ my toes. 

Instead of hearing the old familiar “creak” of the door being thrown open, I was greeted by: deafening silence. No one came to answer, no one acknowledged my knocking...I was...alone. However, Instead of turning to leave, I raised my fist again and increased the force of my pounding. *Bang * *Bang* *Bang* “I know you’re in there!” I felt myself shout. “I know you’re in there, please, please come out!” *Pound* *Pound* *Pound* I dropped my hand and quickly placed my ear up against the rough wood. It prickled my ear-lobe, but I didn’t care, I was too intent on straining to hear a scrap of welcoming noise…

“Excuse me, sonny.” A raspy voice greeted my available ear. My neck snapped around to face the mouth from which came the uninvited salutation. He was a small, elderly man, about 5’4 with a long braided beard that slung carelessly over his left shoulder. He smelled of sassafras roots and clasped an expertly whittled walking stick, much larger than himself. “Yes?” I replied curiously. “I don’t...well...I don't think you’ll find them here.” He said using his wrinkled finger to motion towards the bleak distance. “They’ve gone on..."

“What do you mean they’ve gone on!?” I demanded. “I only left them for awhile, they can’t be far!” In desperation, I stepped towards the old hermit and grasped him by his small and fragile shoulders. “Tell me where they’ve gone, I must find them...I…I need them.” My demanding tone had now turned into a pitiful whimper as I felt my throat tighten and my eyes begin to cloud with salty tears. My gaze shifted to the ground as I felt an overwhelming sense of failure and disgrace wash over my being. How did I get to this deplorable state?    

The old man lifted his chin and gazed pensively into my pathetic condition. “You know you brought this on yourself, kid.” He said gently, placing his walking-stick against the large door. “You saw this coming, you saw them leaving…and yet you chose to ignore.” He loosened my clutch on his shoulders and took my hands warmly in his wrinkled paws. “I know, I know.” I blubbered. “I simply didn’t think they would ever go too far.” At this point, the weight of my own humiliation was too much to bear; I sank to my knees and sadly placed my head in my hands. This was my fault…I let my dreams get away...I was solely to blame. “What, what can I do?” I mumbled from behind my fingers. “All my hopes, dreams and wishes for life…are gone.”  

The little old man unlatched a pocket on the front of his vest, pulled out a well-used smoking pipe and stuck it between his white teeth. With pipe dangling from his wrinkled lips he slowly plopped himself on a comfortable adjacent dirt-pile. “Well, you see, boy…that’s the thing about dreams, when one leaves…another’s not far off.” Curiously, I looked up at him- he exhaled a puff of spicy smelling smoke into the cool breeze “Just don’t let the next ones get away, kid…” I looked off into the distance and sighed heavily in agreement. "Oh, and for goodness sakes..." He grumbled as he motioned to the thick door that stood behind us "don't lock the next ones up in there."  

What are the dreams that you let get away? What are the dreams that you've locked far, far away? I challenge you to re-visit a couple of those dreams today. 

Lots of Loves, 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dreams- A short story

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Hey guys!

It's a rather strange Friday. It's a Friday that feels like a Wednesday- but, believe me, I'm not's simply an observation. heh.

So, today I've been thinking about the concept of "dreams", "hopes", "wishes"- call them what you like. Those general inspiring thoughts that give you reasons to get up in the morning. You know, those things. (What are your secret dreams/hopes/wishes?) Anyways- so I wrote a short story for you...simply because I can. Here's the beginning part, I'll continue it when I have an ounce more of time.


I raised my clenched fist to the weathered door. My heart was pounding at such a high decibel that it droned out the few reverberating thoughts I had skipping about my skull. I was scared, nervous… but anxiously anticipating what I would find. Slowly I began to tap on the large door. *rattatattat* My knuckles grazed the sunken-grain and small splinters of wood chipped off and feel round’ my toes.

Instead of hearing the old familiar “creak” of the door being thrown open, I was greeted by: deafening silence. No one came to answer, no one acknowledged my knocking...I was...alone. However, Instead of turning to leave, I raised my fist again and increased the force of my pounding. *Bang * *Bang* *Bang* “I know you’re in there!” I felt myself shout. “I know you’re in there, please, please come out!” *Pound* *Pound* *Pound* I dropped my hand and quickly placed my ear up against the rough wood. It prickled my ear-lobe, but I didn’t care, I was too intent on straining to hear a scrap of welcoming noise…

“Excuse me, sonny.” A raspy voice greeted my available ear. My neck snapped around to face the mouth from which came the uninvited salutation. He was a small, elderly man, about 5’4 with a long braded beard that slung carelessly over his left shoulder. He smelled of sassafras roots and clasped an expertly whittled walking stick, much larger than himself. “Yes?” I replied curiously. “I don’t...well...I don't think you’ll find them here.” He said using his wrinkled finger to motion towards the bleak distance. “They’ve gone on..."

To be continued! Come back tomorrow for more! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thoughtful THURSDAY - Well, what would YOU do?

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"What do you do when you see an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wacky Shoe Wednesday!

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So, this shoe is in honor of the Snowpocalypse.
Stay warm and such!

The Snowpocalypse ate my car

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So, last night I braved the blizzard of 2011 and drove home despite my parents wishes.

I made the end of my driveway. There my car was engulfed and devoured by the Snowpocalypse. Never fear though, I escaped narrowly and trucked the rest of the journey home on foot...wearing my "high-fashion boots." This video tells the epic story of my cars rescue, retrieval and the subsequent defeat of the 2011 Snowapocalypse (At least from our driveway!!) Mwwaahahaha.

Enjoy, leave some loves!

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