I guess I'll start with, "Holy mother of awesome pants! I love my job!!" (Yes, awesome pants)
By now, I'm sure most (if not all) of you know I work for JCTV - we're a Christian Youth/Young Adult television Network based out of Tustin, CA.
It actually has been slightly frustrating these past months of working - until yesterday.
You see, up until yesterday, I wasn't fully sure what my job actually entailed. Sometimes I programmed the music videos, sometimes I wrote short scripts, sometimes I organized tapes....
It was mostly frustrating because I've been having to ask over and over; "Uh...ok, what can I do next?" Now I understand that this is completely normal for when starting a new job, but I wasn't even sure how much liberty I had to say, "So, I see a potential area for growth here...can I step in and improve the workflow in this area?" Etc.
So, yesterday we had an all JCTV meeting that took nearly 4 hours. You'd think we would have left feeling completely exhausted... but the truth is, we left (or at least I left) feeling completely liberated and excited for the future of JCTV.