Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wacky Shoe Wednesday! Arachnophobia in a shoe.

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It's that time of the week again! Wacky-shoe Wednesday. I know some people despise this day, so I figured I would add a little more to your hatred by including spiders. Enjoy! Or you know, wallop me on the head next time you see me.

These shoes will make you walk all creepy-crawly like.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My "borrowed" superhero identity.

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As you can tell from the video, I'm in need of a bit of help. What little accessories I had borrowed, absconded, lifted, pinched... O.K. STOLEN, for my disheveled superhero persona were quickly confiscated by their rightful owners. Head on over to my facebook page: Cpthatsme, "like" the page, and submit your Superhero identity ideas. I need a name, a power, a weakness and a costume! :)  

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